- Constitutive friction law in sheet-bulk metal forming (SBMF)
- Florian Beyer, Kai Willner
- Reduced-Order Modelling using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- Benjamin Brands, Paul Steinmann, Julia Mergheim
- The role of mechanics during brain development
- Silvia Budday, Paul Steinmann, Ellen Kuhl
- Adaptive Finite Element solution of the Kohn-Sham equations
- Denis Davydov, Paul Steinmann
- Extended molecular statics for the simulation of electromechanical continuum response of ferroelectric materials
- Florian Endres, Paul Steinmann
- Thermomechanical coupling of geometrically non-coherent interface
- Ali Esmaeili, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- On the homogenization of technical textiles
- Sebastian Fillep, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- Sensitivities for topological changes in finite element meshes and application to anisotropic adaptive refinement
- Jan Friederich, Günter Leugering, Paul Steinmann
- Modeling and simulation of the mechanical behaviors of gels
- Sandrine Germain, Paul Steinmann
- A multi-scale approach to model the curing process in magnetosensitive polymeric materials
- Mokarram Hossain, George Chatzigeorgiou, Fodil Meraghni, Paul Steinmann
- Towards modelling the curing process in particle-filled electro-active polymers
- Mokarram Hossain, Paul Steinmann
- Interaction of particles in viscous flows
- Simone Hürner, Paul Steinmann
- Modelling large deformations with nonlinear beams
- Martin Jerschl, Kai Willner
- Mixed and Second Gradient Approaches to the Cahn-Hilliard Diffusion Equation
- Stefan Kaessmair, Paul Steinmann
- Inverse form finding with application to sheet-bulk metal forming
- Philipp Landkammer, Paul Steinmann
- Analysis of the lamination stack influence onto the damping and stiffness of armature and stator active components
- Vera Luchscheider, Kai Willner
- Micromechanical modeling of textile materials by means of 1-D structural elements
- Markus Mehnert, Paul Steinmann
- A framework for computational modelling of magneto-sensitive polymers
- Jean-Paul Pelteret, Paul Steinmann
- The Capriccio method: coupled particle- and continuum-based simulations
- Sebastian Pfaller, Paul Steinmann
- SFEM application to computational homogenization
- Dmytro Pivovarov, Paul Steinmann
- Thermomechanical modelling and simulation of selective beam melting processes
- Daniel Riedlbauer, Paul Steinmann, Julia Mergheim
- A staggered approach to shape and topology optimization
- Stefan Riehl, Paul Steinmann
- Shape optimization using a fictitious domain approach
- Stefan Riehl, Paul Steinmann
- Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials
- Saba Saeb, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Scale effects in homogenization of metal matrix composites
- Stefan Schindler, Paul Steinmann
- Inverse sheet steel material parameter identification from full- field biaxial tensile test data
- Stefan Schmaltz, Kai Willner
- On implicit constraints in parameter-free shape optimization
- Oliver Schmitt, Jan Friederich, Paul Steinmann
- Material modelling and parameter identification for sheet-bulk metal forming
- Benjamin Söhngen, Kai Willne
- Flexible Adaption of Considered Harmonics for Efficient Harmonic Balance Computations
- Dominik Süß, Kai Willner
- On the wall slip of magneto-sensitive elastomers in dynamic oscillatory shear experiments
- Bastian Walter, Joachim Kaschta, Dirk W. Schubert and Paul Steinmann
- Fatigue-life prediction model for austenitic stainless steels
- Paul Wilhelm, Paul Steinmann, Jürgen Rudolph
- Computational homogenization in magnetoelasticity
- Reza Zabihyan, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Influence of Friction on Plastic Deformation at Tangential Displacement
- Florian Beyer, Kai Willner
- Surface magneto- electro- elasticity
- George Chatzigeorgiou, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics
- Denis Davydov, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Molecular static simulation of ferroelectric materials
- Florian Endres, Paul Steinmann
- A Novel Cohesive Zone Model Accounting for In-plane Stretch
- Ali Esmaeili, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- On the homogenization of technical textiles
- Sebastian Fillep, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- An adaptive finite element method based on sensitivities for node insertion
- Jan Friederich, Günter Leugering, Paul Steinmann
- On a recursive formulation for solving inverse form finding problems in isotropic elastoplasticity
- Sandrine Germain, Philipp Landkammer, Paul Steinmann
- Simulation of thermoelectric materials
- Sandrine Germain, Paul Steinmann
- Elastic-plastic smoothing of rough surfaces
- Franz Hauer, Kai Willner
- Interactions of particles in viscous flows
- Simone Hürner, Paul Steinmann
- Computational homogenization in magneto-mechanics
- Ali Javili, George Chatzigeorgiou, Paul Steinmann
- Higher-gradient elasticity with energetic boundaries
- Ali Javili, Francesco dell’Isola, Paul Steinmann
- Critical conditions for growth-induced instabilities
- Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann, Ellen Kuhl
- General imperfect interfaces
- Ali Javili, Stefan Käßmair, Paul Steinmann
- Numerical computation of NNMs with path continuation methods
- Martin Jerschl, Kai Willner
- Generic types of classical and nonclassical diffusion models
- Stefan Kaessmair, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Inverse form finding in anisotropic elastoplasticity
- Philipp Landkammer, Sandrine Germain, Paul Steinmann
- Analysis of the lamination stack influence onto the damping and stiffness of armature and stator active components
- Vera Luchscheider, Kai Willner
- Phenomenological modelling of self-healing polymers
- Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- A framework for computational modelling of magneto-sensitive polymers
- Jean-Paul Pelteret, Paul Steinmann
- Coupling of particle- and finite-element-based simulations by using a bridging domain
- Sebastian Pfaller, Paul Steinmann
- Photoelasticity of curing shrinkage in epoxy-ceramics composites
- Gunnar Possart, Michael Götz (WW3, FAU ER), Paul Steinmann
- Thermomechanical modelling and simulation of selective beam melting
- Daniel Riedlbauer, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- On regularization in parameter-free shape optimization
- Stefan Riehl, Paul Steinmann
- Nonlinear magneto-viscoelasticity of magneto-active polymers
- Prashant Saxena, Mokarram Hossain, Paul Steinmann
- Modelling and simulation of thermal influences in turning processes
- Stefan Schindler, Paul Steinmann
- Inverse parameter identification for sheet steel
- Stefan Schmaltz, Kai Willner
- Virtual Testing Laboratory for Heterogeneous Materials
- Ulrike Schmidt, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- On manufacturing constraints in non-parametric sensitivity based shape optimization
- Oliver Schmitt, Jan Friederich, Paul Steinmann
- Influence of the bolting preload scheme on the pressure distribution within the joint contact plane
- Dominik Süß, Kai Willner
- Modeling and Simulation of Viscous Electro-Active Polymers
- Franziska Vogel, Serdar Göktepe, Paul Steinmann, Ellen Kuhl
- Material motion problem in nonlinear electro-elastostatics with consideration of free space
- Duc-Khoi Vu, Paul Steinmann
- Modeling of creep and fatigue damages in high-Cr steel components
- Jiong Wang, Paul Steinmann
- Magneto-Sensitive Elastomers: Material Model meets Experimental Results
- Bastian Walter, Prashant Saxena, Joachim Kaschta, Dirk W. Schubert, Paul Steinmann
- Fatigue-life prediction model for austenitic stainless steels
- Paul Wilhelm, Paul Steinmann, Jürgen Rudolph
- Homogenization Framework for Magnetorheological Elastomers
- George Chatzigeorgiou, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Molecular static simulation of ferroelectric materials
- Florian Endres, Paul Steinmann
- A Novel Cohesive Zone Model Accounting for In-plane Stretch of an Interface
- Ali Esmaeili, Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- On the homogenization of technical textiles
- Sebastian Fillep, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- Adaptive h–refinement based on asymptotic expansions for node insertion on finite element meshes
- Jan Friederich, Günter Leugering, Paul Steinmann
- On a recursive algorithm for avoiding mesh distortion in elasto-plastic inverse form finding
- Sandrine Germain, Paul Steinmann
- Development of a friction law for sheet-bulk metal forming
- Franz Hauer, Kai Willner
- Interactions of particles in viscous flows Simone Hürner, Paul Steinmann
- Thermomechanics of Solids at the Nanoscale
- Ali Javili, Andrew McBride, Paul Steinmann
- Investigation of a Duffing Oscillator Using the Concept of Nonlinear Normal Modes (NNMs)
- Martin Jerschl, Dominik Süß, Kai Willner
- Polytope finite elements for orthotropic material behavior
- Markus Kraus, Paul Steinmann
- Analysis of the lamination stack influence onto the damping and stiffness of armature and stator active components
- Vera Luchscheider, Kai Willner
- Micro-to-macro transitions for continua with surface structure at the microscale
- Ali Javili, Andrew McBride, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann, Ulrike Schmidt
- Damage in thermosetting adhesives
- Julia Mergheim, Gunnar Possart, Paul Steinmann
- A framework for computational modelling of thermal- and magneto-sensitive polymers
- Jean-Paul Pelteret, Paul Steinmann
- Coupling of particle- and finite-element-based simulations by using a bridging domain
- Sebastian Pfaller, Paul Steinmann
- Shape optimization using stress sensitivities
- Stefan Riehl, Paul Steinmann
- Large strain magneto-viscoelasticity with application to magnetorheological polymers
- Prashant Saxena, Mokarram Hossain, Paul Steinmann
- Modelling and Simulation of thermal influences in turning process
- Stefan Schindler, Paul Steinmann
- Identification of material parameters for an anisotropic material model
- Stefan Schmaltz, Kai Willner
- Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials
- Ulrike Schmidt, Julia Mergheim, Paul Steinmann
- Isogeometric shape optimization using T–splines
- Oliver Schmitt, Jan Friederich, Paul Steinmann
- Investigation of a Resonator Using the Multiharmonic Balance Method
- Dominik Süß, Kai Willner
- On the Modeling and Simulation of Magneto-Sensitive Elastomers
- Franziska Vogel, Paul Steinmann
- On the released energy in nonlinear electro-elastostatics with consideration of free space
- Duc-Khoi Vu, Paul Steinmann
- On the modelling of twin interface movements in single-crystalline MSMA specimens
- Jiong Wang, Paul Steinmann
- Structure - Property - Relationships ofMagnetorheological Elastomers
- Bastian Walter, Joachim Kaschta, Dirk W. Schubert, Paul Steinmann
- Modified rainflow counting considering hold times
- Paul Wilhelm, Paul Steinmann, Jürgen Rudolph
- ERC Advanced Grant - Multi-scale, Multi-physics MOdelling and COmputation of magneto-sensitive POLYmeric materials - MOCOPOLY
- Benjamin Brands, Georgen Chatzigeorgious, Denis Davydov, Mokarram Hossain, Ali Javili, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Dmytro Pivovarov, Prashant Saxena, Paul Steinmann, Franziska Vogel, Bastian Walter, Reza Zabihyan
- ShapeOpt2CAD: Entwicklung und Integration einer fertigungs- und belastungsgerechten Gestaltoptimierung in moderne Produktentwicklungsumgebungen
Oliver Schmitt, Jan Friederich, Paul Steinmann- Experimental and numerical analysis of crack growth and affiliated parameter optimization
- Volker Barth, Paul Steinmann
- A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics
- Denis Davydov, Paul Steinmann
- Adaptiv geglättete molekularstatische Methoden zur Simulation von Ferroelektrika
- Florian Endres, Paul Steinmann
- Mehrskalenmodellierung und -simulation der Mechanik von Materialien mit Faserstuktur
- Sebastian Fillep, Paul Steinmann
- Isoparametric and Isogeometric Approaches in Computational Shape Optimization
- Jan Friederich, Paul Steinmann
- Parameter- und Formoptimierung in der finiten Elastoplastizität
- Sandrine Germain, Paul Steinmann
- Konstitutives Reibgesetz zur Beschreibung und Optimierung von Tailored Surfaces
- Franz Hauer, Kai Willner
- On Finite Strain Models for Nano-filled Glassy Polymers
- Mokarram Hossain, Paul Steinmann
- Wechselwirkung von Partikeln in viskosen Strömungen
- Simone Hürner, Paul Steinmann
- A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies
- Ali Javili, Paul Steinmann
- Polyhedral finite elements for nonlinear elastic continua
- Markus Kraus, Paul Steinmann
- Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Blechpakete auf die Dämpfung und Steifigkeit von Läufer- und Ständeraktivteilen
- Vera Luchscheider, Kai Willner
- Modeling and computation of solvent penetration in glassy polymers
- Andrew McBride, Paul Steinmann
- Multiskalen-Modellierung: Kopplung der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) mit teilchenbasierten Simulationen
- Sebastian Pfaller, Paul Steinmann
- Modelling and simulation of stress-dependent creep recovery compliance in PMMA-SiO2 nanocomposite melts
- Gunnar Possart, Mathias Etzold, Paul Steinmann
- Thermomechanical Modelling and Simulation of Electron Beam Melting
- Daniel Riedlbauer, Paul Steinmann
- Experimentell basierte Modellierung, Simulation und Kompensation thermischer Einflüsse beim Drehen mesoheterogener Werkstoffe aus Al-MMC
- Stefan Schindler, Paul Steinmann
- Parameter- und Formoptimierung in der finiten Elastoplastizität
- Stefan Schmaltz, Kai Willner
- Multi-scale modelling of heterogeneous materials
- Ulrike Schmidt, Paul Steinmann
- Mechanical integrators for simulation of contact in elastic multibody systems
- Patrick Schmitt, Paul Steinmann
- Modellierung von Strukturen mit Fügestellen
- Dominik Süß, Kai Willner
- On the modeling and simulation of magneto-sensitive elastomers
- Franziska Vogel, Paul Steinmann
- A 3-D coupled BEM-FEM simulation of electro-elastostatics at large strain
- Duc Khoi Vu, Paul Steinmann
- On the modeling of magnetic field-induced strains in magnetic shape memory alloys
- Jiong Wang, Paul Steinmann
- Parameters of implant stability measurements a comparative finite element analysis
- Werner Winter, Stefan Möhrle, Matthias Karl
- Quality of alveolar bone: Structure dependant material properties and a design of a novel measurement technique
- Werner Winter, Thomas Krafft, Matthias Karl, Paul Steinmann
- Bone loading due to different misfit types in implant-supported fixed dental prostheses: A 3D-Finite Element Analysis based on experimental results
- Werner Winter, Stefan Möhrle, Matthias Karl
- Effect of geometric parameters on Finite Element Analysis of bone loading caused by non-passively fitting implant-supported dental
- Werner Winter, Matthias Karl, Paul Steinmann